seo strategy

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 678x452

How to spot dark patterns on the web

Every day we use all kinds of apps, websites and software. Designed to give us the optimum user experience (well, sometimes!). But if you have ever found yourself clicking on a sign-up button that ended up being an ad, or opted into something you didn’t really want to access something you needed, then you’ve already…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 678x452 Website Issues

10 Common Website Issues

At Crisp Apple, our team has worked on many websites throughout the years and we see these website issues time and time again. Not only are these things impacting your visitor experience, but they could be directly impacting your inquiries and revenue. When people land on your website, these are the things that make people…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 678x452 recycle your social media

Should you recycle your social media content?

Do you find that creating social media content is time-consuming? If you have ever wondered if it would be okay to recycle some previously posted content, then you are in luck. The short answer to that is YES. Repurposing social media posts Think about your social media feed. If you had to remember a specific…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 678x452 customer survey

How to create and send a customer survey

One of the best ways to get good feedback from customers is by sending out a survey. Find out what they like, what they want and what they aren’t so happy with quickly and efficiently. But if you haven’t done one before, it can feel a bit confusing.  Here are some tips on how to…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 678x452 FREE tools

5 FREE tech tools you and your business will love

There are so many tools and software products out there and so many of them are so complex that you end up abandoning them in the end. So we made a list of easy-to-use tools that we love, that anyone can use for all sorts of cool things for work and home. Give them a…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 678x452 Digital marketing trends

3 Digital marketing trends to watch in 2024

It may feel like it is impossible to keep up with digital marketing trends, but with the explosion of AI tools, new software and all the shiny new things, it can feel overwhelming. No matter what the interweb experts say, it is a continuous learning journey that we are all on together. At Crisp Apple…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' Secret Ingredient 678x452

The Secret Ingredient to Running a Business

If you have a small business, are a solopreneur or just balancing a side hustle on top of a full-time job in between running kids around, then you might already be using the secret ingredient for running a business.   Smart friends.   And Crisp Apple is no different.    Our team is made of…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' DIY Marketing 678x452

Is DIY marketing and design devaluing your brand?

When times are tight and the budget is feeling the pinch, getting stuck in and DIY-ing your marketing and design may seem like a cost-efficient solution in the short term. But can have long-lasting effects in the long run.  Why investing in marketing matters Investing in your marketing gives your brand a solid foundation to…


The 2024 Google Search Guide for AI-generated Content

The interwebs are awash with overnight experts popping up everywhere, all selling their oodles of knowledge about AI. Whether you are a big fan or plan on steering clear, you are probably already using some sort of AI without even realising it. And you have more than likely been using some version of AI-driven software…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' Winter marketing. Are you ready or should you even bother 678x452 12 JUL22

Winter Marketing. Are you ready or should you bother?

Winter is around the corner and, like most people, you are probably focused on just getting through the end of the financial year before you even think about what you will be doing next quarter. That is exactly why this is a good time to start getting a plan in place. Many people are feeling…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' WHAT'S THE POINT OF A SALES PAGE 678x452

What is the point of a sales page?

Want to showcase a new product or get sign-ups for a new service? A single page dedicated to doing just that on your website is exactly what you need. There are two kinds of pages to choose from, depending on what your objectives are. Landing page – designed to get leads Sales page – designed…

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 4 Elements of a Profitable Website 678x452 (1)

So what comes next? Getting money in the till in a difficult business season.

There are some big conversations at the moment around marketing ideas and how to maximise your sales during a recession. But what about after that? The dreaded slow season of high living costs and political uncertainty can appear to make sales dry up. What can you do differently to help your business still get funds…