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Crisp Apple Blog 'Spring Cleaning' 678x452

Get your website season ready

Your website is the first port of call for all of your customers and clients, so don’t let it fall by the wayside and get into a state where it is letting you down.

Crisp Apple 'Mega Mondays' 10 Ways you can keep your business going in tough times 678x452 (1)

Is your Business on the Struggle Bus?

We know that there is a lot of catastrophe conversation out there but if small businesses can count on anything, we know that that market will pick up again and that nobody will need to be fighting like a seagull over chips for sales, work or bringing customers through the door. If you are worried about what’s happening and what might lie ahead, here are some tips that can help.

G4 Google Analytics Don't panic Crisp Apple Web Design

What you need to know about G4 Analytics

Google is sun-setting Universal Analytics on 1 July 2023 and replacing it with G4. Even if your business doesn’t use Google Analytics to make strategic data-driven decisions yet, it is essential to upgrade to the new platform. To make the upgrade, your website requires a small piece of code to be generated and installed, which…

Blog 'Up your website game in 2022' 678x452

Up your website game in 2023

Yet despite the number of times this Field of Dreams strategy has backfired – because it is as secure as relying on the lottery for your retirement – it is an ideology that continues to gain support. Field of Dreams Let’s get out of the baseball field slash corn farm in Iowa for a moment…

Crisp Apple 'Last Minute Marketing Ideas for your Business' 678x452

Last Minute Marketing Ideas for your Business

The festive season is just around the corner and our inboxes and social media feeds are already full of Christmas gifts. If you have left things to the last minute this year, don’t panic, there are still things you can do. Exciting spoiler alert – they are not just for Christmas. Get a website If…

'Privacy Policy' 678x4525[2]

Does your business need a Privacy Policy?

In short, yes. The Privacy Act of New Zealand requires every business in New Zealand to have a privacy policy for their business and website as well as a delegated Privacy Officer to protect customer information. Having a simple, clear policy for your business will help your customers understand what information you collect from them…

Blog 'Up your website game in 2022' 678x452

Up your website game in 2022

Build it and they will come – the number of people basing their entire business plan and mindset on a phrase from a Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams, is substantially bigger than anyone would like to think.
Yet despite the number of times this Field of Dreams strategy has backfired – because it is as secure as relying on the lottery for your retirement – it is an ideology that continues to gain support. If you are feeling distressed and frustrated that your website is not just getting on with it, doing all the things and making all the money, read this.

Blog 'Pro's and Cons of a Single Page Website' 678x4525

The Pros and Cons of a Single Page Website

What is it? A single-page website is just that – 1 single page with all of the information arranged in sections instead of different pages. It looks and feels just like a standard website but when you click on the main navigation menu, you are guided up or down the page to where the information…

Blog 'Four Parts of a Money-Making Website' 678x4525

4 Elements of a Profitable Website

Do you want to get more clients, shorten your sales cycle, help more people and make more money? Then knowing how to drive the 4 elements of a profitable website is key.

Blog 'Why should I worry about SEO when I can just pay for traffic_' 678x452

Why should I worry about SEO when I can just pay for traffic?

Social PPC (pay-per-click) or Google search advertising is fast, effective, and can really improve your business’s visibility online.
But once you stop paying, that visibility (and the flow of customers or leads that came with it) ends.

Blog 'The Self Driving Website' 678x452

The Self Driving Website

If only it were that easy. Don’t Believe the Hype Everybody tells you you need a website. Everybody tells you that you must have a website. Everybody tells you that everybody else expects you to have a website. And before you know it you find someone to build you a shiny new website in exchange…

Blog 'Business Bites' 678x452 Beyond Facebook & Instagram

Beyond Facebook

In 2004 social media was Facebook but in the last few years, the emergence of other hugely popular social media platforms have arrived and diversified the playing field. Businesses are migrating to where their customers are hanging out and creating content that appeals to them to draw them in. So where should your business be…